Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Update (not very exciting)

The meeting with the surgeon was uneventful -- routine, even. She was unable to do a biopsy and referred me to another doctor, who may or may not do a different kind of biopsy (a guided ultrasound biopsy).

If they are unable to do a core biopsy (a needle guided by ultrasound ), they'll do an open biopsy (regular surgery w/ an incision).

I'm waiting to hear when my next appointment will be.

As a reminder, the goal of this biopsy is not to ascertain if I have cancer -- cancer is assumed -- but to learn the specific pathology of this cancer, which may have changed since a pathology was done on my primary tumor.

The new pathology will point to the most appropriate treatment options.

I feel good -- cold aside -- and I'm looking forward to traveling with Eric to Seattle this weekend for my nephew's graduation from the University of Washington. I will try very hard to not tell him that I used to change his diapers. (But I suuuuure did.)

Next weekend I'll be competing in a Craps tournament in Reno, Nevada. Need I remind anyone that I was the highest ranking female craps player in 2004?

And the following weekend we'll be in Boynton Beach, Florida, followed by Washington, DC. Senator Barbara Boxer secured us a tour of the White House (only available through Senators since the WTC bombings), and priority passes to the Holocaust Museum, and Senator Diane Feinstein has invited us to a constituent breakfast.

Busy, busy!

That's my story and I'm sticking with it...

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