Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Tired or... ?

I'm tired. I got enough sleep, so I don't know why I'm so exhausted. I don't know if it's cancer, cancer meds, a cold (coughcough), or depression (I don't feel depressed).

I don't know if my coughcough is a cold or lung cancer (seems unlikely -- I have very small lesions).

I have a headache. Is that my cold (coughcough), tension (I'm tense, but not depressed), or brain cancer? Haven't checked out my brain yet, and I'm having trouble remembering stuff.

Am I having trouble remembering stuff because I'm tired, because I have a cold, because I'm stressed out, because of cancer, or because of cancer meds?

I have a small cut on my hand. It isn't healing quickly, and seems a bit infected. Is my entire immune system shutting down in response to the agressive and unstoppable cancer that a few weeks ago looked like just some but now has riddled my body and left me defenseless?

(That was a joke -- not really haha funny, I know -- but really... I'm tired.)

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