Friday, June 17, 2005


I have no idea why that biospy description was so long. I was rather embarrassed once I posted it.

Today is Eric's last day of school. Normally he would be grinning ear to ear, but this morning he's subdued and worried. I'm hoping that he catches his co-workers' enthusiasm, and has a happy day.

Today after work we're driving to Reno, where I'll be participating in a craps tournament.

I am working Monday and Tuesday of next week. Wednesday we are leaving for Florida to visit Eric's parents and grandmother, then off to our nation's capitol and museums galore.

My propensity to feel okay in my head seems to be linked to how I feel in my body. Even if the ache in my chest is dull, it's a constant reminder that my bones are diseased, and that it's going to get worse.

For several days prior to the trip to Seattle I was completely asymptomatic. Since last Friday, I've been constantly aware of the pain, and that makes it difficult to keep my spirits up.

But I need to snap out of it. If I'm laid low by this -- what will become of me when there's REAL pain down the road? Perhaps I'm just adjusting, still. I've always had a high threshold for pain. Eric can attest to this. It's the nature of the pain that's so disturbing. I will try to make a better showing.

And so Friday begins!

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