Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Work. Sigh.

Well... I'm back at work today. I woke up this morning feeling as worried and sick as I'd been on the weekend, waiting for those inconclusive xray results. But I think it's better to go to work and try to stay as busy as possible. Boy, there are times when I wish I had a busier job!

I had to let CN know what was going on today, on accounta I couldn't stand her searching looks and sad eyes anymore. So I took her for a walk, and told her what was what. She asked for the location of the "hot spots", and when I answered, her face fell and she said, "oh no!". And then she told me that she "wouldn't wish metastatic breast cancer on anyone".

She followed that up with, "but you have a positive attitude, and don't you think a positive attitude can change things?"

So I told her that what I REALLY needed was to not talk about it anymore!

She just walked up behind me and asked where to find some information. I told her, and she said, "I have to start re-learning these things again, I've gotten too dependent on you. What will I do with out you?"

Seems like she thinks I'm going somewhere, and I don't think she's thinking "Disneyland".

Oh, how I wish I could spend my day here like I used to.... doing exhaustive internet research on the idiocy of the Christian right and sending controversial messages to the AOL News Message Boards.

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