Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Aches and Pains

Some folks have asked how I feel -- in my body, since everyone knows how messed up my head is. Well, the worst of it is that my shoulders have been hanging out around my ears for three weeks, but that's nothing that time and relaxation won't cure. (I'm assuming I have time, and I'm hoping for relaxation.)

I have a dull ache in the center of my chest. It's not bad.... certainly not debilitating. Back in my days of cancer-innocence, when I thought it was some sort of slow-healing injury, it was a minor annoyance, only made truly bad when my perpetually perky personal trainer, Cindy, made me work out with "bands". I thought: Oh, look at those cute little bands!

My chest was insanely painful for four days. Sneezing made me cry. And that's saying something, because my pain threshold is known to be high, high, high.

So that's it. A dull ache, made 1000% times creepier by the knowledge of what's causing it.

Until this diagnosis, I felt pretty healthy. Is it possible to be healthy, and to have cancer, at the same time?

(Probably not, huh?)

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