Thursday, October 27, 2005

Tired Ouchy Stiff Blech

Not long ago, Eric and I managed to magically score tickets to a concert that was virtually impossible to get into -- Phil & Friends at Bimbo's. It's unheard of. A 600 person theater. Three hundred pairs. Amazing.

The concert is tonight. I will not be attending. Eric must go... he has to go for both of us. I just can't believe that I won't be there (although I absolutely must have Eric there).

It's a rare circumstance that can keep me away. I will be home tonight. I believe Janis is coming over, which is a pleasure in itself... and Eric will feel better knowing that she's here.

Tomorrow Eric and I will be making our way to Sacramento, to seek a second opinion at UC Davis. I believe their opinion will be that I have stage IV breast cancer, and that it's gonna kill me. BUT... they'll recommend a chemo protocol or whatever. It's a good thing to do. The second opinon will be arriving before the first in this case, as my oncologist has yet to make his recommendations.

After this weekend we have our November Weekend Madness Celebration. We'll be away from home for four weekends in a row.

Weekend 1: I'm a finalist in the Craps Tournament again. Remember, I was 2004's highest ranking female craps player. I now have my chance to defend that title for 2005. Frankly, I didn't think I'd make the cut, as I didn't do strikingly well in the feeder tourney. In any case, it's 100% comped, and even as slow moving as I am, I can't wait to go play.

Weekend 2: Eric and I are staying at a cabin in Yosemite over this three day weekend.

Weekends 3 and 4: Cruise to Mexico.

And then there's December.

Off to work now.

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