Friday, August 05, 2005


I've been tired and discombobulated. I've had twenty minutes of okay-ness followed by hours of hazy, vaguely-nauseated, hooey.

But today is the day I'm determined to catapault (or limp, or crawl) myself into a full recovery. I believe the key to be fresh air.

I don't know why I should try to memorize Eric's hands. I believe as strongly now as I ever did that death is almost certainly a brick wall and a void. I don't believe I need to tuck away any precious memories for the journey to oblivion.

I don't know how many of you I've told my theories about dead people over the years. Not surprisingly, I do have my theories... and for a woman with 5 crates of Christmas ornaments in her basement, they're surprisingly unsentimental.

I'll have to go into it later, though.

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