Sunday, August 28, 2005

Easy like Sunday morning

Eric and I went to a party on Friday. It was a birthday party for one of Eric's co-workers -- a young woman who was turning thirty. Eric and I were two of the oldest (if not THE oldest) people there.

There was a young woman there who was very, very, friendly.... like, eager puppy friendly... who asked us lots of personal questions about how we met, what our wedding was like, et cetera. Her husband, who looked like the lanky fella from Scooby Doo, was in charge of music. He looked like he was 16, with semi-beard and baggy clothes.

Turns out that this woman and her husband are physicians, completing their residency in San Francisco. They are cardiologists. Boy, do I feel O - L - D old.

I'm drinking coffee, Eric's reading the paper, and we're waiting for Jane to come over this morning. I can't believe it's Sunday already. Yikes!

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