Friday, April 20, 2007

Man, it's early.

It's too early to be awake, but what's a girl to do?

After work yesterday I was went to see a vascular surgeon. I've scheduled (at least tentatively) two small surgeries with him, which means that I'll be going to the hospital a minimum of three or four times a week for the forseeable future. It's like a job with really, really, bad compensation.

Today is chemotherapy, and a blood draw before hand. I have accumlated multiple lab slips for blood work -- three doctors need different tests -- and so I see many vials in my future.

Eric and I went out for my birthday last night. My birthday's not until Sunday, but Thursday evening, post-vascular-surgurty-appointment, was the only time prior to my birthday that we figured I'd feel good enough to go out.

We zipped over to Larkspur in my cute li'l convertible and had fancy fondue... something different and fun. It was quite good -- sparkling wine, yummy fontina and bleu cheese fondue with scallions, white wine, and sherry, a very nice salad with mandarin oranges and almonds, and the a vegetable broth fondue with two kinds of marinated steak, chicken, potstickers, ahi tuna, shrimp, and vegetables.

For dessert we had a plain milk chocolate fondue with banana, strawberries, pineapple, cocoa-dusted marshmallows, brownies, pound cake, and cheesecake.

I probably wouldn't go there on any-given-weeknight. For one thing, it's in Larkspur. Also, it took a very long time. It take 1.5 to 2 minutes to cook a bite of food. But I'd definitely go back.

It was good to be there with Eric, smiling and happy, totally in love (as always).

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