Thursday, April 12, 2007


This has been a delightful vacation, Eric's poor, poor, foot aside. We've had such a nice time visiting & eating good food & playing with glitter-and-glue-and-feathers-and paint-and sequins (which most of my three regular readers know is pretty much my dream activity).

Casino life has been fun, as well. I haven't gambled LOTS -- not by my standards, anyway -- but I've gambled enough, and Eric and I are both leaving with wins rather than loses.

We're flying home tomorrow morning (this morning, really). I'll have bloodwork in the afternoon, and a long day of chemotherapy on Friday. I absolutely don't Don't DON'T want to go back to lying on the couch trying not to think about food. But I will. I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hope the crafts went well. i made some greeting cards this evening and i thought of you