Sunday, June 18, 2006


Eric's reading the paper and I'm drinking coffee and blogging -- it's definitely a Sunday morning. I slept in today -- almost until 9:00 AM -- and slept right through the start of our 5k Fun Run.

It's just as well. It's going to be a scorcher today. I probably don't want to be sitting in the bleachers of an A's game when it's so darn hot, on Father's day, and with the A's on a 9 game winning streak (and so the crowds so much heavier than usual).

Honestly, I prefer to go to A's games when they're losing.

Eric and I will walk somewhere else today, and I should really do some pre-Mexico shopping.

Last night we went to see The Fantasticks with Corinne, as Mr. Silva was on stage playing his harp. The harp was bee-you-tea-full, by far the best part of the show, and I'm not just saying that because Tom is a particular pal of mine.

I played air-harp in the audience.

What else is new?

I've had two eye exams in the last two days. Apparently, breast cancer is the most common cancer to metastacize to eyes (although it's still uncommon). My eyes are fine.

I had those crazy flying saucer pupils for a while after they dialated my eyes. I looked like I was coming home from a Dead show, although without any collateral-damage glitter on my person.

That's all I have to report on this sunny Sunday morning.

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