Sunday, June 11, 2006

How high tech is this?

I am typing this in the car. I have the technology to actually send this off through cyberspace to update my blog, as well. I'm going to try.

It's still very Tomorrowland to me.

Reno was great fun, as always. We enjoyed all of the fabulous amenities at the Atlantis Casino and Resort, every player's paradise. We gambled and gambled. Eric very nearly adopted my strategy of non-stop gambling. It was good.

I didn't do well in the tournament. I placed 31st out of 120. So, I wasn't horriblehorrible but I wasn't in the money, either. A woman won first place this year -- the first time I've seen that..

I was one of two women at my table for the second round. We were the table leaders, which was nice. All of those cigar-smoking, bolo-tie-wearing, old white man-types tanked early.

I found out on Saturday night that Jeanne had died. She was a swell gal -- someone who reached out to me and many, many, others. She was often the first to respond when I had questions about my diagnosis and worries and just plain fear & anger about my cancer diagnosis.

Jeanne was doing so well. She was stable for many years. She gave me (and many of us) hope.

Once she started progressing, it went quickly. She went from fine to dead in too few months.

So, Jeanne's dead, and I'm alive, and my turn's coming. Here husband of fifteen years said that she was comfotable and surrounded by friends and family. I guess that's another best case scenario that Jeanne represents.

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