Saturday, December 15, 2007

It's the promise of life in your heart.

This story has a happy ending.

I awoke this morning with a giant crazy headache ... crawled (psychically, anyway) to the office where I called Eric, who was downstairs, on the phone to ask for coffee. My head hurt too much to call good morning down the stairs.

Mercifully, in a few minutes I was handed a hot cup of coffee and a handful of ibuprofen. I wrapped myself in my mother-in-law's super comfy soft blanket and decided to check my email.

In that moment, as if a switch had been flipped, both sides of my nose began to bleed profusely. Blood ran down my face. I reached for a tissue and knocked over the hot coffee, which poured unto my lap and the keyboard and ran to the floor, along with the blood that still poured from my nose.

I called for Eric, who came racing up the stairs...

And then I burst into tears... ran to the bathroom... bled into the sink and dripped coffee.

I'm not sure what happened next. All I know is that some minutes later I found myself warm and dry, lying on the couch in the bedroom, with tissue stuffed up my nose, a replacement blanket, another cup of coffee, and a laptop balanced on my stomach, watching this:

Elis Regina & Tom Jobim

And I was smiling, smiling. Once again, Eric saved the day (with a little help from bossa nova).

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