Tuesday, September 06, 2005


It's not a Monday but it sure feels like one.

I had a nice three-day-weekend-monday-off yesterday. It was a gorgeous day, and I have the sunburn to prove it. I went miniature golfing with Janis. It was fun!

So... it was a jam-packed weekend as many of our weekends seem to be.

What I really need is to get more exercise, which at this stage of my life has to be little more than short walks. It's hard to believe that a year ago I was running five days a week, and that four months ago I was going to the gym every other day. Also: that I LIKED those things.

If I instituted a Walk a Mile with Martha Club would anyone participate? I suppose it would be silly to walk a mile and then go get sidecars and croque monsieur.

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