Thursday, September 08, 2005

When Supply Side Economics is your true diety, poor people drown in their beds.

I would like life to be a succession of parties and vacations. I think that's what it must be like for Paris Hilton, although I wouldn't do a straight across trade with her if I had to be Paris Hilton (and not just have the Paris Hilton trappings).

There's an interesting essay in the August Harper's... "The Christian Paradox"... all about how American Christians don't know much about Christianity and don't act very Christian. It's a nice laundry list of Christian hypocrisy but it also posits that things would be much better if Christians were just more Christian. I think, of course, that Christianity itself is a pack of lies based on a pieced-together document of dubious authorship.

But if Americans are going to claim Christianity, I think it'd be nice if they loved their neighbors as theirselves -- per Jesus. That may be happening on an individual basis in New Orleans, but it sure isn't happening overall. And now people are whining about the po' folk being given $2,000 debit cards. What's left unstated is the fear that they'll go spend it on gold teeth and bling bling.

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