Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Yak Yak Yak

I left work a bit early today to see the surgeon. The old port site is still not healing. I've had a progressively worsening open wound for five months now. (Note: not the sort of thing you want to include in a resume or personal ad.) All of those appointments and three surgeries later.... it's worse than ever.

Earlier today I was wishing for Christmas. I love Christmas, as my three regular readers know. I love the sparkles, the presents, the tree. I love the decorations, the music, the food. I love the traditions, particularly the traditions that Eric and I created together. Christmas with Eric is about the best thing I can imagine. Any-given-Wednesday with Eric is pretty wonderful, as well -- or, depending on what else is going on, any-given-Wednesday with Eric is at least way, way, better than a Wednesday without Eric.

So, here I am... wishing for Christmas at a time when I certainly shouldn't be wishing any of my life away.

My MAC (Medical Appointment Count) for the month of May has gone up to fifteen, although that's only over ten days.

The surgeon told me that when he heard that I was continuing to have difficulties, that he almost started crying. He's a nice fella -- truly -- but I'm only interested in his tears if they have magical healing properties OR if they can alter the space time contiuum and make it Christimas.

That's all I can think to say.

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