Monday, April 03, 2006

Workweek 10 (in the count down 'til summer)

Our weekend was quiet.  We went to a play on Saturday night -- Bright Ideas at the Ashby Stage -- but beyond that was our only real activity.  Eric was busier than I.  He did lots o' things... went for a walk at the beach, did the grocery shopping, and spent about five hours on Sunday grading homework.
Me?  I played computer games and napped.
Today is the fiftieth workday before summer vacation, and the last week before spring break. 
Today after work I need to go have blood drawn, but that shouldn't be a big deal. (As a "poor me" aside, I would like it very much they didn't complain about my veins.  I drink water all day long... I do what I can.  Beyond that I have no control over the state o' my veins.  I wonder if the drawers of blood believe that it's harder for them to have to poke around for a "good" vein, or harder for me to have to sit there with a mild expression while they sigh and stab)?
Tomorrow I have a scoliosis screening a middle school.  I'll spend my entire work day in the presence of several hundred half-naked teenagers (one at a time, of course), and then after work I have the first 2.5 hour session of my new mosaics class, which I'm taking with Janis. 
Wednesday is Infusion & Injection Day, and Thurday is Fever Day. And Friday is Thank God Spring Break Starts Tomorrow Day.
Clearly this week is a mixed bag, but I'm sure I'll have some fun each day.

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