Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Let The Good Times Roll

Eric and I used to throw Mardis Gras parties.  They were fun!  We danced, and drank  fabulous chapagne punch, and ate Eric's jambalaya, and handed out beads.  Those were happy days.  We're not having a party this year, but Fat Tuesday is still a happy day.
It was rainy earlier.  In fact, it hailed.  But now the sky is blue w/ puffy white clouds, and it's bright and breezy.  I'll probably go for a walk with Eric at the Marina after work.  Then we'll drive home together -- always a treat -- and do out typical weeknight kinda things.
It doesn't SOUND like a party, but it's a party.  Eric's presence makes the worst days some better, and turns average days into something deeply, deeply, good. 


Anonymous said...

Hello Martha,
I just caught up on your blog, having missed two weeks almost. I wanted to tell you two thins to tell Eric, but I didn't save your email addresses correctly when I left work. Can I please have them again at LuanaLyons@yahoo.com

Oh, and of course I want to tell you something too. Ready? I have super duper big aloha for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that Hawaiian woman ain't got beef with you. :-) Plenty love and aloha for all da peoples.