Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Wednesday Night

Eric and I took Bart to the city tonight to see a conversation between Billy Collins and Kay Ryan, moderated by Garrison Keiller. It was part of the City Arts and Lectures series -- a nice evening's entertainment. I do love poetry.

Riding back on Bart, sleepy and smooshed up against Eric, I thought about all the times I've sat next to Eric on planes and trains and buses. I'm notoriously impatient with shuttle buses. Eric could tell you all about it. Anyway, I've traveled with Eric a lot, and he's always three steps ahead of the game. I'll just be sitting on a narrow seat, dozing... but Eric has already figured out which gate we'll be at, or the stop to take, or where the phone is to call the shuttle. Eric takes care o' business, and I just ride.

It was a happy, sleepy, train ride tonight.

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