Monday, February 12, 2007

Mission Accomplished

Eric and I have seen very few movies in the last year, so we decided to see all of the movies nominated for an academy award for best picture. We saw six movies in 72 hours. It was fun!

So many people have asked me what I thought of the movies that I'm offering my yakyakyak here. I'm not much of a movie buff, but here goes:

Little Miss Sunshine was cute. It made me laugh. It bugged me that the only character who didn't undergo a transformation in the film was the only adult woman. They were such eccentric characters, and the adult woman was the same-old-mom we've seen again and again. She loves the kids and largely stands by her man. She's likable but not interesting. I'm just nitpicking, though. It was a good movie.

Eric really enjoyed the The Departed. It's typical Scorsese, as Doreen described in her comment below. It wasn't subtle, that's for sure. I hid my face in my hands A LOT. I can see why it would be exciting for folks who aren't bothered by the gore.

The Queen was visually appealing and sometimes amusing. I was distracted by the fact that it's entirely a work of fiction. It acts like it's non-fiction, but no one knows what the queen says to her husband in bed at night. Also, as Eric and I feel about all things related to the monarchy, who cares?

And who cares what I think of these movies? I'll hurry this up!

Babel was ambitious and parts of it worked better than others. The four intertwined story lines reminded me of last year's best picture winner, Crash, which was a much better film.

I'm glad that I watched Flags of Our Fathers before seeing Letters from Iwo Jima. The latter is the better movie for sure. Eric thinks that Iwo Jima is the best of the five nominees. I think that the five nominees are all just fine, with The Departed being the weakest.

This was a fun project and I recommend it as a weekend activity!

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