Sunday, March 26, 2006

Day of Rest

Eric and I ran errands yesterday morning. We renewed our passports -- a fundamentally hopeful act, and also important if we should ever have need to flee the country. We wandered around a bookstore, and had a lovely little snack. Eric had a grilled chicken taco with tons of cilantro and salsa, and I had a spicy curry-ish samosa. Ain't California grand?

Jane joined us in the afternoon, and brought a yummy apple tart. We went to dinner, and Janis joined us for a movie (Thank You For Smoking). Then we came home and yakyakyaked until the wee hours.

Today I'm tired, and have parked myself on the couch. I'm eating cheesy poofs and surfing the channels.

That's all. Just a quiet day.

BTW, for those of you with On Demand (a cable television service that allows the viewer to watch selected programs and movies "on demand" rather than at a scheduled time), I recommend a documentary by Rosanna Arquette on Showtime. It's titled All We Are Saying, and it's her conversations with assorted rockstar buddies, on a wide range of subjects.

It's fluff, but it's entertaining fluff.

I am not always appreciative of these quiet, normal, days, but today I am.

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