Sunday, November 11, 2007


Saturday (Sunday, now) has been a day of queasi- & icki- ness, but at least it's just been a day of queasi- & icki- ness. There were only a few moments when I was upset by the nausea. Being nauseated sucks, but being upset and nauseated feels almost unbearable.

Late in the afternoon Eric made reference to how it'd been raining all day. Who knew? I hadn't looked out a window or taken a step downstairs.

In my youth I loved rainy afternoons. I'd run home from school when it rained, not because I minded getting wet, but because on rainy days my mother would pop popcorn for me . It'd still be popping when I walked through the door.

I was sitting at the computer in the office, playing a silly game and listening to the lovely hum of Eric's snoring, congratulating myself on being kinda sleepy and contemplating going to bed early. Then I looked at the clock and realized that it was already after 2:00 AM.

Maybe tomorrow!

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