Sunday, July 08, 2007

'round and 'round

How the Wheel of Fortune spins! One day you're swimming in the warm Pacific ocean, and the next day you're hooked up to an IV and sitting in a blue plastic recliner. The Aredia, while not a "chemotherapy", has laid me low. I'm tired, achish, fevery.

I read today on the web machine that "jews are outraged" because the Pope has ruled that the old, Latin, pre-Vatican II, mass can be performed by priests again. This is outrageous because the old school mass calls for the conversion of the jews.


Isn't that a hallmark of Christianity? Conversion or extermination? Well, not so much extermination as CONSCIOUS, ETERNAL, TORMENT.

Personally, I'm happy when religious people start acting like religious people. It's good to be able to clearly see them for what they are... including the folks who try to wash their hands of the nastiness by claiming they are just upholding a "cultural tradition".

What would the Flying Spaghetti Monster do?

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