Wednesday, June 20, 2007

They Mysterious Case of the Missing Posts

There's a ghost in the machine, and my posts to this blog are missing! There I was, happilly typing away and clicking "publish post", naively believing that my posts were posted!

Oh, well. It's not like anything earth shattering was lost in the ether.

Today's the last day of work. Eric's still snoozing, which is a bee you tea full thing. I hope to sleep in tomorrow, although it's difficult to sleep knowing that all of those bells, buzzers, and whistles are sounding on the casino floor.

Eric's mother flew home last night. It was good to see her. I hadn't seen her since before Eric's father passed away. I wasn't well enough to fly to Florida to attend the funeral... something I would never have imagined. She's staying very busy and she misses Bob very much.

I'm off to work soon. I'm anxious to leave work, and I'm not even there yet!

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