Thursday, January 04, 2007

Wishing Away Hours

I miss Eric. He's in Florida, visiting his parents. His father is not well, and I encouraged him to go. I'd encourage him again. But, boy, do I miss him.

I had a bone scan yesterday. It was fine... a bit of a pain. I needed to make two trips to the hospital. First I was given an injection of a radioactive tracer. The technician couldn't find a vein and eventually had to call in the "best". I would like to go directly to the "best" in the future. My arm is a relief map of bruises.

I had to return three hours later for the scan. The scan itself was just 20 minutes on a table that slowly moved beneath a camera. No biggie. Sure is different, though, without Eric waiting for me the hallway.

When I know Eric's waiting for me in the hallway -- looking worried and smiling a little and focused expectantly on the doorway -- it's all just a little bit easier.

Tomorrow I'm going to chemotherapy. Hopefully I'll just sleep through most of it. And tomorrow night Eric is home, which is a good, good, thing.

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