Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday. Hmph.

I have to go in for a ct scan today. After last Monday's unpleasant experience I'm a bit trepidatious. I'm going to work this AM, leaving after 2.5 hours to drive to the chemotherapy suite, where I'll be set up with an IV, then off to radiology for the scan at noon. Then I'll return to work.

Just the driving sounds exhausting to me at this point, but for several reasons I do need to go to work today.

I'll have a blood draw in chemotherapy on Thursday and chemo on Friday, in addition to an appointment in Interventional Radiology on Friday. So many trips to the hospital in the last few weeks! I tell myself that it's just temporary -- that it's just on accounta the periodic reassessment (scans), the infected port, the surprising late-onset lymphedema.

The worry is that it will just snowball. Little things start to go wrong, and then the larger systems fail -- or, some other unhappy scenario.

Of course, focusing on unhappy scenarios never made anyone feel better in the moment, and I don't suppose it will effect outcome. So...

I'll finish this coffee (a few minutes too late, according to my ct scan instructions, but oh well) and go to work, and get on with it, and I bet I'll even have some fun on the way.

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