Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Nice to get it over with.

It wasn't so bad. Three tries to find a vein... I'm used to three tries... and the one she found was this tiny little squiggly thing in my right pinky. But the IV was set up and then I sat and talked with Eric for a few hours.

We talked about our trips last summer. We dreamed about trips NEXT summer. Who knows if we'll be able to travel? No one knows. I'm not sure if it's a long shot or a shot in the dark. But it would sure be nice.

Then the chemo nurse came in and gave me three shots -- one big thick needle in my abdomen, and two long slow burn shots... one in each hip.

Eric and I laughed. We laughed while they were giving me the shots, talking to each other through the "privacy curtain".

I had three needle pricks in the back of my right hand, and three shots, and Eric, which added up to a nice day.

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