Monday, November 06, 2006

The Week

Eric made Thanksgiving dinner last night: turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes. It was delicious and made the house smell like a holiday.

I made an applesauce cake and without being too precious (I don't like those food-porn essays that use globs of sensuous language to describe making pies) I want to say that it was fun. I liked creaming the butter and sugar, and adding the eggs one at a time, and sifting the dry ingredients.

I'm trying to get through this morning while managing a growing number of side effects from chemotherapy.

I'll be going to the hospital twice this week on Thursday and Friday. Friday is a day off from work -- Veteran's Day -- but it doesn't matter to me as I 'm going in for chemotherapy anyway. I suppose it's one less sick day I have to use. Party!

Eric's mother is coming this weekend. She's traveling from Florida for the weekend (arriving Friday evening and leaving Sunday evening).

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