Monday, October 15, 2007

I'd rather see a pink toaster.

Pink Product of the Day: The Will to Live

"I want to die from eating too much chocolate.

I want to die from exhaustion from dancing the tango.

I want to die from laughing too hard on my 87th birthday.

I refuse to die from breast cancer."

So says Lynn Redgrave, in a chock-full-of-hope commericial, and bully for you, Lynn. If only I'd known that it was just a matter of will -- that if I'd dug in my heels and held my breath, my plain ol' pigheadness could have saved me.

You're an inspiration.


Why said...

that people think willpower can conquer illness seems to be pretty universal. An internist once asked L (re: bipolar depression) if she'd tried "faking it 'til she made it."

One doesn't get past a serious illness with techniques provided by grocery store self-help pamphlets. It would be great if all the money wasted by that "industry" went to actually researching efective treatments.. /rant off

Anonymous said...

it's always the people unsick/unaffected/untouched by a given illness or trauma who are the best at dishing out 'advice'.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Lynn Redgrave.

Martha said...

I don't know why I'm shocked that a physician would suggest "faking it until making it" to someone w/ bipolar depression, but I am!


Lynn Redgrave is being plucky in the commerical... I consider it whistling in the dark... but it's just toooooo much for me. Too much pink. Too much October. Too much freaking hope.

Why said...

“It's not the despair, Laura. I can take the despair. It's the hope I can't stand.”

* Clockwise
* 1986
* John Cleese