"The Oreck vacuum was invented with women in mind. That's why I engineered it to be lightweight and powerful for effective cleaning and allergen control.
"Now to show our support for Susan G. Komen for the Cure in the fight against breast cancer, we're making a special model in pink," Oreck said.
October is national Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The pink Oreck XL(R)Ultra Hypo-Allergenic Plus Bagged Vacuum Cleaner helps Clean for the Cure. For every pink Oreck XL vacuum cleaner purchased, Oreck willdonate $50 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. (Retail $549.95)
In the last year I've read more & more about the "pink backlash". It's the natural progression of things -- as natural as the progression of the disease that's currently infiltrating my bones and liver and lungs and lymph nodes.
I've read the blogs and essays of women with other cancers who have complained that their cancer isn't "sexy" like BC. I've heard the general grumbling of just-folks who are sick of the marketing, sick of the pink. Hear, hear. Agreed.
But, y'know, it kinda makes me mad on a different level, too. It makes me mad because somehow the bigness of these pink campaigns is belittling. Because I communicate with women every day whose lives are very difficult. They're sick and they're tired and they have children to raise and houses to clean and they're dying, and sometimes it's awful.
I've come home from work the last two days and slept, slept, slept. I've taken six hour naps after work. I'm exhausted and empty, and I've only completed one full cycle of chemotherapy.
Eric kisses my head and makes me grilled cheese sandwiches. That's the good part. (And it's very, very, good.)
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