Monday, December 18, 2006


I would say that my hands are ugly, but Eric would never stand for it. They may be calloused and peeling, but they don't hurt. That's better-than-fair to me, and I won't complain about how they look.

My eyebrows and I are parting amicably. We never had much of a relationship anyway. I plucked them just once, between the onset of puberty and the realization that I didn't give a damn. My eyelashes have abandoned me, too, even though I never tortured them with mascara.

It was s'posed to be a busy weekend, but it didn't turn out that way. There were activities planned for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, but only Friday came off as planned. I spent the rest of the weekend tired, tired, tired.

Another busy week starts tomorrow. Off to bed!

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