Here's a picture of our Christmas tree, although pictures can never do a good tree justice:
And here's a picture taken during my first Christmas with Eric. I can't believe that I thought I was old and that I longed for straight hair!
I was bright eyed and bushy tailed in that big, joyous, oh-my-god-he's-so-wonderful-and-I-love-him-and-he-loves-me kinda way. I told stories and made people laugh. But boy oh boy I had no idea what good things were in store for me. I couldn't even imagine how light life could be.
Light and love are the gifts Eric gave me, in addition to light up pink flamingos and a black leather jacket.
What a bitchin' boyfriend, huh?
This is THE picture you gave him that 1st Christmas?
It's definitely from the same roll! Remember when there were rolls?
Oh yes I do. I had a little Kodak 110. Tree looks ever so lovely Ms. Martha.
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