I went to my husband's high school to assist with hearing screenings just a few weeks after I started working for the school district. Teachers brought their students to line up outside the mobile hearing van, and I kept track of the classes and the students.
It was an easy work day at a new job. I made
conversation with the teachers, but only knew a few of them through Eric. I was chit chatting with a teacher when
CN came by and told him that I was married to Eric Price.
The teacher was excited to hear this news. He said nice things about Eric, which is not a new experience for me. Then he said, "Eric loves you very much!"
I laughed, and said that I loved Eric, too!
Then the teacher told me that he'd recently been at a development meeting with Eric. Small groups had been formed and they'd gone through several "getting to know you" exercises. Each teacher was asked that old-chestnut-question: If you could have dinner with anyone who ever lived, who would it be?
Eric had told everyone that if he could have dinner with anyone who had ever lived it would be his wife. "And we could tell he meant it," was what the fella said.
This is just another Eric story. It's the sort of thing that makes some folks roll their eyes.
I don't know what marriage is like for most people, and the only marital advice I've ever had to give is "marry Eric". But I'm sure glad that I married that man... glad that I married him, moved in with him, went out with him, said hi to him the park.