My mobility is limited, but I pushed myself to do more. More doesn't amount to much but I'm trying not to focus on that!
We took a picnic lunch to the Berkeley Marina and sat in the bright sun and brisk air. My cup of soup was delicious -- cannellini beans and faro and veggies in a thick, flavorful, broth. I was very chummy with that soup at a time when food is usually not my friend. Yum.
Blue, blue, blue
Our walk was embarrassingly short, but it was all I could manage. Still.. the marina is one of our old haunts, and it was good to be there, however briefly.
Then we went to the movies. The walk from our car to the theater nearly matched our walk at the marina. I stopped several times to catch my breath -- a thorn in my side -- but again: we were there. I did it.
We saw the sequel to National Treasure. We enjoyed the first movie very much. The sequel wasn't as a good. It had its moments, though, and it's always nice to be out at the movies.
Now Eric is peeling an orange for me.
I squeezed as much goodness from this day as I could. This is the biggest present I can give Eric, and I want to remember how important it is.
That's not a resolution as much as it's a wink & a kiss blown to the man who turned my life around & showed me how to be happy. And he peels my oranges, too.
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