It's Eric's birthday today, and as always I'm the one receiving the present. Spending another birthday with Eric is better than anything that ever came to me tied with a bow.
I could spend the next year smiling at him and stuffing his pockets with kisses and it wouldn't make a dent in the smiles and kisses I have for Eric.
People say that marriage is a lot of work, but I've not found this to be the case. Eric is easy, and marriage is fun, although life is sometimes difficult.
But life isn't difficult today. Today there's just me & Eric & a few hours we have to be separated by a couple o' blocks while we work. It's the anniversary of the birth of the person in the universe who has most rocked my world, who gave me hope, who makes me laugh, who melts my heart...
Eric's birthday, and all I can do is feel lucky (still and again).
This is the first time that I have ever contributed a comment to Martha's blog. I figure it's her thing and I should stay out of it...some of you 3 regular readers however, do talk to me about what Martha has written about me. I thought that on my special day I would take the liberty to tell you all a few things that are on my mind....
First- I am constantly flattered by the things that my lovely wife shares about me. Her comments to you so often warm my heart and make me smile.
Second- She exagerates greatly, sure I'm a good guy, but come on now, nobody is as wonderful as Martha portrays me to be. Somethimes I can actually be an inconsiderate ass. Some of you may have even seen this for yourselves.
Third- As grateful as Martha is to have me in her life, I am equally grateful to have her. Meeting her changed my life. I never in a million years would have imagined that I would meet someone who, despite all of the ways that we are different, would fit with me so well. She completes me! I cherish every day that I get to spend with her. I feel that when she is gone I will be a broken empty shell of my former self. The worlds best birthday present and my biggest pleasure in life is having her to wake up with every day. To love her, to kiss her bald head, and to bring her cocoa. How did I ever get so lucky?
Thank you all for the support that you have shown to both of us, and thank you for your birthday wishes.
Eric and Martha..I am proud and honored to call you me friends.
Hau’oli la hanau (happy b-day)
And we are so pleased, Luana, to count you among our friends!
I have to say one thing. Eric can speak for himself, and I'm thrilled that he has... but... to my knowledge, there's no one in the universe who has seen Eric be an "inconsiderate ass". It's just not true.
Eric, who is perfect for me, is an imperfect human being (as are we all). But... inconsiderate ass? Nope.
Never happened.
Happy Birthday, Inspector E.!
Happy Birthday Eric! A.K.A. The Voice Of Reason.
belated happy day, eric. and thank you both for all your honesty about each other. truly wonderful!
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