It's not purty, but it feels good!
Eric says that I'm an unusual wife. When I want to be extra-special-comfy I borrow my husband's nightgown.
Eric and I once attended a Halloween party as a grouchy old couple in our nightclothes. I was the fella, and Eric was the lady. I don't own a single nightgown, but Eric does. I've only worn it a few times. It's for evenings that require super soft and comfy flannel, and tonight's one of 'em.
I've spent many hours tonight on the couch with my husband's nightgown and my mother-in-law's Blanket of Softness and Wonder.
Tomorrow is a rare no-chemo Friday, thank goodness.
The plan for the weekend is to spend Saturday night away. We'll drive up to the wine country on Saturday morning and visit a few wineries in the Russian River Valley. It's a barrel tasting weekend, with many wineries offering special tastings and the opportunity to meet with the winemakers.
We'll probably just go to a few wineries. I want to go to Iron Horse, and to find some champagne.
Hopefully we'll be able to meet with Lisa for a nice dinner.
Other than that I just want to enjoy the countryside and my husband's good, good, company. We'll spend the night in Sebastopol.
Eric's back is still tricky & iffy, and my mysterious-foot-ailment is still in evidence, so we'll be a pair o' slow moving vacationers. But it's good to get away... good to see new places and old favorite places... good to be together, always.
I'm not sure anyone could work that nightgown like the lovely and talented Erica, but I'm glad it's comfortable. Have fun in the wine country!
Ohhhh, Tom...
Eric WAS lovely. Remember that strange Frenchman who was enamored with him?
I think the wine country will be nice, even if we're slow-moving. I hope you enjoy That Woman's birtheday!
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