Monday, December 12, 2005

Inner what?

The nurse who set up my IV today was a cheerful, well-meaning, Chatty Cathy.  It was all I could do to not grin bitterly at her while answering her questions. Yes, I celebrate Christmas, and yes, I'm nearly done with my shopping.  Yes, I work.  
I said, "As opposed to all those folks who JUST LOVE IT", when she said that she could tell that I don't like being stuck with needles.  Actually, I don't mind being stuck with needles.  I just have a strong preference that they get it the first time, and not try multiple times, saying, "onetwothree OUCHYOUCHY... almost there... breathe in... almost there... ouchyouchyouchy... okay I'm just going to wiggle it a little itsy bitsy bit!"
When I settled in to read, the first article I found was an essay in Newsweek.  This woman -- a young breast cancer "survivor"... wrote about her "Inner Cleavage".  After her breasts was loped off, and her hair fell out, she actually felt more beautiful than ever, on accounta she found her Inner Cleavage. 
Now she has fashion-forward breasts (she had the other one re-done with the reconstruction) and her hair is long... and she says she knows that men find her attractive again, but she tries not to put too much emphasis on her external appearance anymore.  All in all, breast cancer has been a real boon for her.
Bully for her.
After two hours, Nurse NiceyNice came and took out my IV.  "Onetwothree ouchyouchyouch!"
She gave me some extra bandaids and sent me on my way with an appointment for next month.
I came home and zoned out in front of the TV.  Then I wrote this.  And now I'm going to bed.

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