Friday, September 02, 2005


Drinking coffee and watching the news from Louisiana this morning. It's amazing that 72 hours after the hurricane there was no control center or command.

Luckily, Papa John's sent 10,000 pizzas to the Astrodome.

The news coverage is sliding in the oil direction. The war in Iraq started with oil and hurricane Katrina will end with it. I think about how the people in the midst of it there probably have so much less information than we have. They're just hungry, dirty, grieving... and with no one taking charge, stepping up, or telling them that there's a plan.

I just don't know what to make of it.

We have a busy 3-day weekend planned. Tonight I want to go to a baseball game -- A's vs. Yankees -- but Eric isn't sure he's up for it. Saturday there's a poker party at Janis & Elizabeth's. Sunday Eric and I are hooking up with Tom & Corinne, and on Monday there's a whispered rumor of miniature golf.

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