Eric pointed out to me that we were surrounded by Christians. It was true! There was one family in particular that was very spooky. The barely-teen blonde daughter was wearing a t-shirt that said, "X-Treme Noze... knowing the Lord to the extreme".
Her big, blonde-peach-fuzz-headed father had a hitler mustache. For reals.
I overheard one father saying to his son, "Now you see, it's says we have a right to bear arms but they wouldn't let me bring a gun in here!"
I think more liberals should go look at the Bill of Rights. As far as I can tell, most of the folks looking at the Constitution were way more interested in God than anything else.
Tomorrow morning we're going to the White House, and then the International Spy Museum. Now we're off to find dinner.
Here are a few pics before we go.
The National Archives -- chock full o' interesting documents! Did you know that Ross Perot BOUGHT the Magna Carta?
The National Archives. Art shot!
The Department of Justice
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